My wife and I rode tne GDMR in '98. In those days your only choices were panniers or a trailer (or both). I rode the first half with panniers. My wheels self destructed at about the CO border. I used a BOB and front panniers from there to the Mexican border and had no more wheel trouble. My wife continued with panniers and her wheels didn't fail until New Mexico.
I intend to ride the route again in a couple oy years, i am still leaning towards using a trailer because 1) I carry lots of stuff, and 2) I want to be able to carry lots of water. And, just to go further against current trends I think I will do it on a full suspension bike. I am looking at a Toute Terrain Mule which will work better than a BOB with a full suspension bike (I hope).
Think I am crazy? Maybe. I'll probably be the slowest rider on the trail. When you guys run out of food and water in the arroyo country of NM maybe I'll be able to help.