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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour de los Padres 2017 on: January 03, 2017, 02:06:20 PM
Hey! I just found my way to this forum after researching the TDLP, thanks for putting together such a rad resource for SB backcountry exploring. Regarding the Rey Fire and the Santa Cruz Trail, I had the pleasure of hiking the closed burn area as a volunteer with the LPFA in late November. Above 19 Oaks all the way to the saddle it's a disaster, unsafe to walk in many areas, let alone bike or hike a bike. Just pure ash and sand slopes, the crib wall section is a gauntlet of steel beams and posts sticking up at odd angles. You may have heard this elsewhere by now, but I thought I'd just chime in. My observations were before most of the heavy rains we've had is Winter.
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