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1  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: 9 days in May on: March 30, 2018, 05:27:05 AM
Well the answer is..

Flights booked.

Rode this 2 years ago! Absolutely amazing! The GPX on is not complete (or correct), checkout the full GR247 route. We didn't need our tent the whole trip. We slept in towns when we passed them or in the huts along the route (which were always empty, most of the time had a water pump nearby) So you can loose some weight on camping gear!
2  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Help choosing a saddle pack. on: June 05, 2017, 02:20:52 AM
I own both the Apidura dry (14L) and the Revelate Designs Terrapin system (And tested the Ortlieb seat pack for a while, before I returned it).

The Ortlieb seat pack is huge. I didn't find a way to pack it in a way that it wouldn't touch my wheel on the downhills. It simply bends too easily. Returned it because of this issue.

Happy with the Apidura seat pack, although it's way smaller than the 14L they say it is. (if I had to guess, around 10-11L). You can confirm this by multiplying the outer dimensions mentioned on their website; if it was a perfect cube, it wouldn't fit 14L! On the plus side; this makes it really stable in all directions on your saddle.

The Revelate Terrapin is also 14L by specs (and appears to be really 14L, fits way more stuf than the Apidura).
Pro is that it's easier to remove & pack.

Of your options I would recommend the 14L Apidura saddle pack dry.
3  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: new brakes, what kind? on: May 08, 2017, 11:41:06 PM
I've had lots of problems with Magura MT5's (always rubbing, leaking leaver, hard to get brake pads). Since then happy with my XT's.
4  Forums / Routes / Re: Bear provisions along the Great Divide Mountainbike Route on: May 03, 2017, 10:11:28 AM
Oh, and one tip to get more food inside the bag: the bag comes with a scent-resistant liner, so stuff that full of any food that might possibly have a scent. Packaged foods that will have little scent (e.g., freeze-dried, packaged meals, like Mountain House entrees) can be stored inside the Ursack, but outside the scent-resistant liner.

Finally, if you are new to travelling in bear country, make SURE that you holler a lot any time you can't see more than 50-100 m in front of you, like on a trail that takes a turn through the bush. Most bike-bear encounters occur when a cyclists startles a bear (unfortunately, one mountain biker in Montana was killed last year near the GDMBR by a grizzly that he collided with because he didn't see it in time). I actually carry a refillable air horn for this purpose, just to keep from going hoarse. And literally, I have hollered ahead and had a bear jump out of the bushes along the side of the trail (proved to me the effort was worthwhile!!).

Thanks for the advice. I own a Timber bell to make a constant noise, but have the impression that this mostly annoys me and you can hardly hear it 30m in front of me.

About the scent resistance; I've read toothpaste should also go into the bag, are bears also attracted to human scents? Anything we should do to make us less attractive while sleeping?

5  Forums / Routes / Re: Bear provisions along the Great Divide Mountainbike Route on: May 03, 2017, 09:01:55 AM
Thanks! Sounds like we'll plan for a day/night in Calgary. Would you say 1 bag is enough food for 2persons riding at touring speed?
6  Forums / Routes / Re: Bear provisions along the Great Divide Mountainbike Route on: May 03, 2017, 06:00:20 AM
Sorry to kick this old topic.

Planning to ride the GDMBR this summer, with absolutely zero experience with bears, does anyone know if everything bear-related (Ursacks, spray etc) is available in Banff?
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