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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2018 AZTR300/750 Race Discussion Thread on: April 03, 2018, 09:03:41 PM
I’ll take the bait.....

Maybe this is not the race for you. Everyone else has managed their prep, read the rules, researched what they needed to know, knew the registration dates and limits, more importantly, not lost the plot with a defamatory post accussing half the field of cheating

I don't remember seeing a registration deadline, rider limit(which I now see is 74), nor do I remember accusing anyone of cheating.   There was people openly stating they were going to stash stuff for others/themselves, hence the further clarification needed by some....not quite understanding the rules.   I understand it takes a lot of effort and time to pull this off, by everyone involved, and I'm guessing some people need more rules added in.   My only suggestion was to make them with less 'grey area'.  
2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2018 AZTR300/750 Race Discussion Thread on: April 01, 2018, 08:16:51 PM
Ha!  Well, I've been planning on this event for almost a year, in talking with past participants and reading the 'AZT Racer Page', there was nothing about all these rules/requirements/deadlines/rider limits.   I just re-read the 'new' rules and there is still a lot of grey area.  Why not just make it absolutely NO support/water caches/trail magic for people treating it like a 'honest race'?  Why not set a specific rider limit?  Why not specify if a tracker is required or not?   Sounds like half the 'racers' stash stuff for themselves or have 'friends' that magically show up and aid the riders.   Really needs to be black and white or strip away the 'race' tagline and call it a general 'ride' and break it into finisher/non-finisher. 
3  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2018 AZTR300/750 Race Discussion Thread on: April 01, 2018, 05:07:33 PM
I plan on riding the AZT300 next week.  Just got a SPOT tracker.   Is it too late to sign up/add it to the tracking page?   I thought I read that it is full, but never saw a deadline. 

Also, anyone got a shuttle spot open for a bike/rider?   Could meet in PHX or Tucson. 

4  Forums / Classifieds / Re: REI Minimalist 3/4 Season Bivy, Dusty Olive - $60 on: August 15, 2017, 03:15:53 PM
Still available?   Do you have a contact # or e-mail?
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