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1  Forums / DIY / Make Your Own Gear (MYOG) / Re: Budget builds? on: May 31, 2019, 12:36:17 PM
Trying to figure out best way to secure my bag to the front without getting in the way of my brakes etc. when the rear basket is loaded up with shit I’d rather have my tent and sleeping pad in my bag on the front to try and counter balance some weight.

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2  Forums / DIY / Make Your Own Gear (MYOG) / Budget builds? on: May 31, 2019, 12:29:10 PM
Alright, bikepacking has peaked my interest big time. I’ve been riding road bikes and fixed gears for some time in the city but I moved to a more rural area about 8 years ago now and haven’t been riding much.

My buddy and I are doing a budget build for a 300 mile trip here soon.

Any ideas for some budget friendly gear storage solutions? Or budget gear in general?

Here’s a couple pics of my super budget friendly $50 Raleigh 26’er feel free to laugh because that’s what it’s all about, I may put a smaller basket on my rack, I’m a zip tie kind of guy. Home Depot was nice enough to let me borrow this basket lol

Cheers, Marc

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