come and join BCP 2022 DIY Summer Edition
Forest of Palatinate, German MTBGravel Heaven.
self-powered ++ considerate ++ pure nature ++ no fee ++ any level ++ unforgettable ++ no footsteps
May 27-29 2022 ++ https://en.mapy.cz/s/kevojofuhu
area has tons of shelter huts, restaurant huts and castles
Fr 27 :: arrive at specified place, chat + picknick, ride closeby, plan. barbecue in the making.
Sa 28 :: ride local PREMIUM moderate FLOW MTBGravel routes ALL DAY and return in order to
Sunday :: repeat.
people might be heading out for overnighters; recommendations at hand.
Recommended ::
+ bring basic overnight kit. no need to carry on bike, can be left safely onsite when touring.
+ nav device which can receive and guide GPX offline (e.g. osmand App). not required.
+ Tire Width unloaded bike :
1.6 - 2.0 OOOKEE
< 1.6 Type 2 Fun
Expect ::
+ respectful people
+ forest experience
+ ergo and bike tech exchange
Welcome to message, prefer https://t.me/+tdAjodq1ttpjZmJk
No, there is no website. I rather ride
Can't wait !!