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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2023 - Race Prep Discussion on: March 29, 2023, 08:44:31 AM
Timely episode of radiolab:
2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2023 - Race Prep Discussion on: March 02, 2023, 10:54:41 AM
I totally see your side of it briansong! In as much as those youtube videos and movies inspire people to get out and try it themselves I think that's a Very Good Thing. I mean, I've watched most all of them myself. Twice! However, the one point I'd make there is that by far and away most of what you'll find online are a) tourists self documenting their tours on the GDMBR or b) racers self documenting their TD race. All of those are inspiring and I don't see any issue with self documenting things if you're racing (nothing matters but having fun if you're touring). Its the outside film/media crews that blur that self supported/solo line. Again, just my opinion. Keep in mind that my perspective of this is of a guy who started racing bicycles in the mid-80's as a junior and has seen a lot of change and not all of it good, so admittedly I get a bit curmudgeonly about things. When the rules of the race are blurred or simply open to anyone's interpretation its not a bike race anymore its a free for all. Man, I guess maybe I'm still carrying some baggage from racing against a bunch of dopers BITD. And that's totally on me lol!
3  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2023 - Race Prep Discussion on: March 02, 2023, 09:31:46 AM
It takes way more than protour watts to win something like the TD. I wish him well in his endeavor and am looking forward to seeing what he can do. I think the "risk" of having more pros/sponsored riders participating is likely along the lines of a continued slow degradation of the original solo spirit of the race. We've seen riders (and their sponsors) place a desire for exposure above the "do it completely solo" ethos that makes events like this so special. Its my opinion that film/media crews consisting of familiar faces following along, regardless of how well intentioned or "policed", provide an unfair advantage. That's my opinion and no one is going to change it, so I'm not interested in a debate. I guess in the end it all depends on the style in which they wish to participate. In this age of the 'gram and "look at me look at me" mindsets I'm not super optimistic.
4  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2023 - Race Prep Discussion on: January 05, 2023, 02:38:41 PM
After the last couple of summers riding 90% of the route (twice now ...) at a decent touring pace (80-90 a day avg.) I am going to shoot for 21 days or so. I think my knowledge of the route will result in having minimal concerns/unknowns with what's up the road, my kit/equipment, or figuring out efficient resupply. Hoping that allows me to focus more of my energy on keeping my head right, putting in the hours each day, and the best recovery I can muster. 21 days may prove to be ambitious but that is the goal.
5  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2023 - Race Prep Discussion on: January 05, 2023, 01:08:58 PM
I'm in but still need to send the LOI in. I need to get over this Christmas cold I picked up but then there is lots of fat-biking and skinning going on the agenda for the next few months, along with a bit of trainer time for more structured stuff. Can't wait for June 9th!
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