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Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Trans North Georgia MTB Race
on: September 06, 2010, 09:56:35 AM
Mark Donaghy here! Out after a very exhausting day. Bottom line, not enough legs, training, experience for this event. Got terribly lost and wasted many hours through what appears to be a simple hike-a-bike section thru Ramey Field early on Sect 1. For the life of me, after the purple marked tree I found, I couldn't make the trail connect to FS150. After second guessing myself several times, and walking for an hour down the wrong trail, Bartram, and walking back, I took out my trusty analog compass and went for it. Got caught in field of mud with thickets to my ears tearing skin off me like being whipped with barbed wire. It was soo dense, I had to carry my bike with 40 lb packs over my head for a long time hoping that I didn't step on a copperhead/mocassin. Ran out of water. Yikes! I thought my arms would fall off and I'd pass out when I finally reached the road and went to a gas station. With blood caked on me from stem to sterm, the attendent asked if I needed a doctor, I said Yes!, a pyschiatrist. What was I thinking--this was NOT fun anymore. How did everyone else make it through that! Probably from running out of H20 and too afraid to drink the creek water, I had persistent nause that carried through the night into the next morning. They say to wait until the am to pull the plug and indeed that's what I did. Also it went down to the 40s at night--the weather channel said nothing about that temp. I was ill prepared for sleeping so I shivered all night. Wow, that was day #1. My hats off to all those who do these events and have the knowledge and experience. I envy you. I learned alot and have been humbled by the beautiful and awesome Georgia mountains. Now I can relax and watch the spots. Thanks to Mulberry Gap Inn for all there support and good luck to all the other racers. I'm back to road bike 6 Gaps at the end of the month. At least, I know I won't be carrying my bike over my head.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Trans North Georgia MTB Race
on: August 30, 2010, 09:02:42 PM
Unless someone is waiting for me at the top of Tray Mt or the like with a shower and full meal, I will be fully self-supported, that is why I need a burrow to carry all my stuff. I will be staying at Mulberry Gap Inn prior to and hopefully mid way during the race to take advantage of there services. We had the option to mail stuff there to be waiting for us but to avoid any questions or look of impropriety, I will NOT be mailing to or leaving anything behind at the Inn. Mark Donaghy, Clearwater, FL
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Trans North Georgia MTB Race
on: August 11, 2010, 05:51:41 PM
Looks like the Mulberry Gap Inn is going to help us out with some of the details of TNGA especially the transportation to the race start and from the finish. Excellent! The Inn asked that all who are interested contact them soon at Look forward to meeting all and the adventure. Mark Donaghy, Clearwater, Fl
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Trans North Georgia MTB Race
on: July 04, 2010, 10:19:29 PM
Hello All, new to the forum and would like to network for the Trans Georgia. I've been a avid follower of the AZT, CTR and of course the TD. I'm doing the Fool's Gold 100 MTB race this Aug 21 for the second time which goes through the Chattahoochee Nat Forest above Dahlonega, GA and is a great ride. Although I couldn't finish it last year because of wrist tendonitis by mile 70 and so I have unfinished business. Would like to pace myself over about 6 days to complete. NI, if you are planning on this one maybe we could chat? maybe ride up together? as I'm in Clearwater, Florida.