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Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2016 CTR Planning
on: July 16, 2016, 08:33:02 AM
FYI - we do ride right by Princeton Hot Springs after climbing Cottonwood Pass and rejoin CT - about 25 from BV and they make a great breakfast. Thanks for info on the Stagestop - much better then riding down to Jefferson store and back up the 4 mile climb to Kenosha Pass.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2016 CTR Planning
on: July 05, 2016, 03:18:34 PM
Quick question as I have not ridden the Tarryall detour in past CTR ride - any services there at all or purely camping and old buildings. I cannot find anything definitive on the internet. Do most people detour from Kenosha to Jefferson store or carry extra now without Baily on route.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
on: March 18, 2016, 06:15:25 AM
Is the route the the same as last two years - 2014 GPX rev. 1? Can we assume that if we get to the AZT section in Flag and there is a closure sign we can all just take the equestrian bypass to link back to AZT main trail cross the mountain?
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
on: March 07, 2016, 09:56:20 AM
I just spoke to the ranger for that district and it is no problem to bike from Sierra Vista down to the 750 start which is about 25 miles. Really easy - SH 92 to Montezuma Canyon Road and left down the border road to the fence.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
on: March 07, 2016, 09:32:51 AM
There are several shuttles from Tucson (or Patagonia) to Sierra Vista as well as to the monument which is pretty close to the start for either ride -- see the ATA webpage below - I have a few e mails out to them and waiting to hear back.On guy wanted like $98. I think a uber would be cheaper.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
on: March 06, 2016, 02:13:32 PM
Question for Scott or anyone out there that might have done it - from Sierra Vista it is about 25 miles to 750 start - last time I did the 750 I caught a ride but was thinking if all else fails why not just ride it on bike via SH 92 to West Montezuma Canyon Road. Is there anything that prevents that from happening? I know on the AZT site it says something about not being able to ride a bike through visitor center but isn't that a bit off of the Road and in Wilderness area? Any guidance would be nice - thanks
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
on: February 28, 2016, 06:47:10 PM
AZT website sells cue sheets and the water stops were posted in 2012 but updated on this thread a few pages back - the main ones are pretty reliable water - the tank outside Tuzyan is NOT - it is green sludge and I filtered it twice in my bandana - put in 4 iodine tabs and drank it after underestimating how much water you really need on the windy ride from Flag to Tuzyan.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
on: February 27, 2016, 05:20:02 PM
Last time I rode the 750 we shuttled my truck from CO front range to finish then shared car to border. For the folk that have already written about ideas for both directions in/out I am down for meeting whoever is riding the north to south route a few days before race say in Kanab - dropping my truck at finish (or you can use it for a day or two if you need it) then driving myself and whoever else wants to come to the start at the Mex border leaving your car (and key?) either there or at Parker TH. Contact me whoever wants to try something along those lines. beardog David Goldberg (928) 606-1618 (cell) And yes Scott I am taking another run at the Triple (actually with CA - the first ever I think "QUAD")
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
on: February 27, 2016, 04:41:25 PM
OK Now that I see the comment period is until 4/4 - any rules the govt enacts should not impact us because those folks are notoriously slow at actually passing and implementing rules. So - Scott - does this then mean we don't need no stinking permit and we can ride the north rim trail assuming it is snow free when we hit (looked pretty clear already last week when I flew over it)
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
on: February 27, 2016, 04:31:13 PM
If my two cents is worth anything on last two posts - Ardent Exo or Lust tire 120 TPI Tubeless with 2 plus scoop is the way to go with a leather needle and thread (I have sewn a sidewall or two plus duct tape and road all the way to Flag that way last time). On the hiking permit I thought none was needed if you did it in one shot carrying your bike- we have never gotten one while running the double cross and I did not get one last time I did the 750 - just kept walking and took a short nap at one point (not camping). Is this still a viable or will they bust you or something? Scott or anyone else out there doing either race, is there any organized more or less ride shares to the border at this point? from Tucson to the 300 start the night prior or to the fence (soon to be a very big wall paid for by Mexico if the DONALD has his way)? If anyone is doing something please contact me off/on site and I am more than willing to pay gas, etc. Thanks Beardog contact:
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread
on: November 07, 2015, 09:34:48 AM
Anyone planning on riding the 750 (or now more like 800) heading to boarder night before with room for a bike from somewhere near Tucson-Phx please let me know on or off the thread - glad to help with gas, etc. - better yet - if anyone else from CO doing the race please let me know and maybe we can work out a carpool scenario which I did last time rode this little race - otherwise I might wind up doing a pre-ride from Tucson airport on the coyote dirt roads. For those asking about the finish - if you can't leave a car there you can always ride out the next day to Kanab on the blacktop and pick up a ride from there homeward Beardog e mail at either or
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2016 changes and rules
on: October 06, 2015, 07:29:02 PM
Count me in for 2016 AZ 750 and I am all for an earlier start. If I fly to Tucson is a ride to the border a realistic possibility? Or bus nearby?
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Trans Am Bike Race - June 7th, 2014
on: October 05, 2013, 08:45:36 PM
touring with my wife--the road climbs over 15000 feet several times and is only open 3 months a year--as long as the bombs from Pakistan are not flying she is in--if not I may be seeing how fast I can ride it--I rode the US east to west as a youth and it was a big mistake--anyone who thinks Kansas is flat is also in for a shock--I underestimated badly the number of climbs on the AlCan that led to some real frustration on long rainy days as you get no momentum at all into the wind--live and learn or live and live--all ok with me--is there a trick to posting a photo BTW I cant seem to post anything beyond a text---I want to show the folks out there a real ultra rider--a man named Dan I met at the Sasquatch Inn my last day about 150 from Dawson Creek--he was 82 with Parkinsons and osteoporosis and rode the entire AlCan without assistance except his son in law would pick him up each day and take him to a lodge and then back to where he stopped--truly an amazing guy---
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Trans Am Bike Race - June 7th, 2014
on: October 05, 2013, 08:28:59 PM
Nathan--count me in one way or another-if I can switch my Kashmir trip a bit I will join the group on June 7 otherwise I am looking at last week of May and an ITT of sub 20 days--that should be good enough for the 50 and over record I would guess.....yes, you should have joined us on the AlCan - all one of us-me--a bit harder with a bit more hills than I suspected--I imaging this will be some of the same until you cross the Mississippi but at least we will have prevailing tail winds- instead of the headwinds I had on the AlCan --
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Trans Am Bike Race - June 7th, 2014
on: October 04, 2013, 07:53:40 PM
Where is your website Nathan? I am somewhat interested but am also planning a 1000 mile loop over the two highest roads in the world in Kashmir for late June and early July. Is this a sub 20 day possibility? Is this for sure and where do I research the route, times, etc. Might be a bit boring after the AlCan this year without grizzlies and wolves and NO SERVICES -- but seems intriguing.
Forums / Ultra Racing / AlCan ain't an easy 'road' race
on: July 04, 2013, 06:55:15 PM
Last Fri night finished AlCan ITT in 7 d 16 h. After 3 finishes at TDR and CTR and AZT 750 I can tell you all that the AlCan was every bit as challenging with dirt especially in the Yukon where there is constant climbing in headwinds on dirt and gravel. Four days of pounding rain and headwinds cost me a day but the ride was well worth it seeing many Griz, black bear & wolf. I will post up a detailed blog on race site with tips for those wanting to give it a try. In many ways this was much tougher than the divide as there was little info and scant places to resupply for times over 325 miles between towns and lots of long climbs. Will share more when I return from touring BC and Wa with my wife. Best of luck to those still on the TDR and congrats to the finishers. Beardog
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR 2013 Planning
on: June 10, 2013, 08:56:22 AM
Thanks Stefan--I understand the only part missing is the 7 extra miles after you turn off 285 heading north off the pass-I think what happened was both were uploaded as the 20 segment section but labeled differently.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR 2013 Planning
on: June 10, 2013, 05:19:51 AM
2013 gpx question--I downloaded both files from the CTR website and both are the 500 point splits-20 files-neither of which can be split into a single 10,000 point file. Has anyone else been able to make this a single 10,000 point (idiot proof) track? I prefer having a single track with less details so I can just start the track at the start and not think about it again until I am done.