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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR #3 Route Poll on: February 10, 2009, 03:30:56 PM
Wait! I like Trail 717's response better, I'm a proud wimp too and I also don't want to have to rethink my food supply situation! Thanks for the "help."

Portland, OR
Ketchum, ID
Durango, CO
2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR #3 Route Poll on: February 09, 2009, 09:26:11 PM
I haven't ridden it during the race, but I have hiked it and ridden almost all of it in my first post-race attempt last year. So although I can't speak from the same angle as a past racer... I opt for keeping it consistent with the previous years and not changing anything. Plans are for me to make this year my first race year.

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