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Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: The Spirit of the Tour Divide
on: November 11, 2014, 10:25:24 PM
Whatever I'm a douche because I don't reply much on here. But the fact is people that haven't done much other than a couple of ctrs and kokos shouldn't be making rules. The majority of the people that race aren't going to win. Instead of making a rule book people need to honor the RACE! Don't be an ASS ride with honor ! AZT CTR Tour divide! That's the problem. Honor is lost! I'm a middle aged douch bag that loves to race ultras. Whether I strart with you or do an ITT i m doing it clean. I don't need bike to tell me I'm a bad ass I don't care. I ride to ride I follow the course they set I follow the rules. Problem is need people to take resposiblity for their actions! Rules or not people will find a short cut. If we continue with the rule books we will end up like a bunch of triathletes measuring our penisis . I love the grass roots feel.Add rule books and I'll and many others will find better things to do.
Forums / Routes / Re: Doing AZT 300 in Dec.
on: January 30, 2011, 10:50:26 PM
No The weather turned real bad on the days we were planning on going. So we did some local rides. The alamo canyon section of the AZT was really awsome. Veiws are amazing. With the snow we headed up to Flag and did some snow touring on the peaks instead. I am going to try later in the year to do the AZT. My riding partner won't be able to make it though he lives in MI.
Forums / Routes / Re: Doing AZT 300 in Dec.
on: November 04, 2010, 06:18:09 AM
Cool thanks for the reply. Yeah shorter days will cause some problems but lights and night riding always add to the adventure.
Forums / Routes / Doing AZT 300 in Dec.
on: November 02, 2010, 08:52:17 PM
So I was thinking of doing the AZT300 route during Christmas breakish. What are your thoughts about weather conditions and water sources during that time of year. My main concern is Mt. Lemmon being iced up. Other than that the desert should be beautiful!