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1  Forums / Routes / Re: appalachian trail on: May 26, 2009, 06:15:34 PM
I'm not sure if I really want to throw into this discussion but.....I am both an avid mountain biker and an employee of the organization that manages the Appalachian National Scenic Trail (which will remain nameless).

Anyway, I personally understand arguments on both sides (but won't get into the in's and out's). I do get a little disgruntled when people place folks for or against biking in some places in either a "hiker" or "biker" category (there are bikers who also hike and agree with limited use designations (horses are also not allow on the AT except in two places due to historical use)).

Anyway, I'd advocate for the cycling community to garner support for new long-distance bike routes instead of working to change the nature of what is arguably the worlds most famous foot-path (which would take an act of Congress no less).

Off my soap box....

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