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Forums / Question and Answer / Re: what size pack are people using?
on: June 22, 2009, 04:55:52 PM
Right now I am switching back and forth between a 30l Dueter Transalpine and an 13 liter Ultimate Directions pack just depending on how long I need to go between resupplies. With the Ultimate Directions pack I have to put the stove on the bike.
Forums / Routes / Re: Who's riding CT in 2009?
on: June 20, 2009, 11:07:31 AM
Hey Guys,
I am going to be starting the CT August 8 or 9. I'm definitely through riding it. I am shooting for 2 weeks but gave myself 3 weeks because my little brother is riding with me for the first week and I do not know if he will be up for covering more then 30 miles a day.
I am going to try to keep gear weight down to 20-25 pounds for the trip. Going to have to wait and see if that actually happens though.