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1  Forums / Question and Answer / Anyone heard of a Baffin expedition? on: July 28, 2009, 07:58:01 PM
Hi! I created an account just for this question. I missed a call from Kurt (username: krefs) today, and he left me an intriguing voice mail. As some of you may know, he's on Baffin Island right now, walking on some really old glaciers and having a grand old time. He found something unexpected today: a few bikes, circa 95 (ish), some ice axes, and other signs of an expedition from which the adventurers bailed.

Kurt wanted more information regarding this if any could be found. I'm not seeing anything that sounds right with some basic googling. I thought that if anyone would know, it would be the people on this site. Does anyone know anything about this? Was anyone here in that expedition? Inquiring minds want to know.

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