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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2011 AZTR Updates / Discussion Thread on: April 19, 2011, 07:31:23 AM
Just got off the phone with Jamil, he's going to call it at Kentucky Camp.  He made good time through the first 50 miles or so, but he had a pretty big sleep deficit coming in, and carrying a pack is taking a bigger toll than he expected.  I'm sure he'll give a full report later today or tomorrow.
2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2011 AZTR Updates / Discussion Thread on: April 18, 2011, 09:32:09 PM
A bit more communication with Jamil.  He hit Patagonia and was feeling pretty down, but made some modifications to his shoe which seems to be helping his toe problem.  He got some food there and started feeling better, and has been able to push on to Sonoita.
3  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2011 AZTR Updates / Discussion Thread on: April 18, 2011, 02:46:48 PM
Hey Nick, thanks for the pic, hope Jamil's toe holds out. Jamil looks to be travelling really light - do you know what kit he has with him? As the winner of last years 'carrying the most gear for the AZT300/750' award, I'm interested in seeing how you would push the boat on foot being unable to just strap more and more to the bike!

His pack is the Terra Nova Laser.  He doesn't have a shelter or sleeping bag, just a thermo-lite bivy sack and an extra layer of clothes.  His plan is largely to travel at night while it's cooler and only take short naps.  Much of his pack is his food, he didn't make any drops although he plans to buy more food at shops along the way.  I don't know much beyond that, he'll have to give you a full run down when he's done.
4  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2011 AZTR Updates / Discussion Thread on: April 18, 2011, 12:17:43 PM
This is Jamil's brother Nick.  I dropped Jamil off at the Parker Canyon Lake trailhead and he started out on foot at 9 AM sharp (picture attached).

I got a call from him at 11.  He has some sharp pain in the joint of his big toe that started immediately when he left, and has been getting slowly worse.  He said he had the same pain for the last 25 miles of the Umstead 100 mile run two weeks ago, but hadn't felt it since.  He's going to go on to Patagonia and see how it progresses through the day, but is uncertain at this point if he will continue if it gets worse.

I'll update if I hear anything else from him.
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