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1  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Worlds biggest saddlebag? on: June 18, 2011, 02:03:23 AM
Thanks for the reply.
Aha, Yes the sackville appears to be approx 4 lit. bigger but I noticed it doesnt have the longflap like the Camper so I recon You still can get a whole lot more gear in the Camper. Anyway, I recieved my camper today so I will start packing it now to see how much it can swollov. I´ll get back.

/Gustav the singlespeedtripper
2  Forums / Question and Answer / Worlds biggest saddlebag? on: June 15, 2011, 10:28:43 AM
Hi, I have just regestered me to this comunity, sight, gang of freaks or what is about? 
Anyway, the reason I joined is bcz I just ordered a Carradice Camper Longflap saddlebag and that made me start reading about packing your mountainbike and that led me to You. At 24 litres the Camper longflap is the biggest I found on the internet but actually I wonder if there is a bigger one out there. I have not received the bag yet so maybe it will be sufficent for my needs (one week on the road, in tent), but just for fun - does anyone knows about a bigger saddlebag? When I get it I will post a photo of my setup and in the future, hopefully, a review of the bag.

Take care

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