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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2021 AZTR on: March 29, 2021, 08:48:41 AM

Alexis, so glad to hear you're on the mend. I miss your mtbCast call-ins!!

Arm is better. I rode yesterday and it was a bit sore last night/this AM. But it is improving. 

Is MtbCast still accepting calls?
2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2021 AZTR on: March 26, 2021, 05:17:52 PM
Totally, hope everything is ok. She was moving really well out there.

Thanks Adam! I had an unfortunate series of events starting at mile 65. I sliced my front sidewall on a descent in the Canelos. Had no clue it had happened. Realized it was flat on next climb. I stitched it with floss, but it wouldn't hold air. Put in a tube. In the process of putting in a tube, my helmet came off and the zip ties holding my fenix flashlight snapped. I didn't want to take the time to remount and forged on with only a bar light. This was a mistake. Problem was that near-wheel light from bars is blocked by front roll. Which came into play at mile 75 when I clipped my R pedal on a boulder protruding into the trail. Endo, hit head, hyper-extended my R elbow as wheel flipped around. Head is fine. Elbow is not yet fine. Turns out front rim is actually punctured! Yeesh!

I really enjoyed the new trail work in the Canelos! Not just the re-route in Canelos west, but some of the middle parts of Canelos east have been redone since I last rode it in 2017. The Canelos were ... enjoyable! Towards the top of the Canelos east hike-a-bike I remembered puking in 2017. Yesterday I thought - wow, I feel great! The gale force headwind on Hog Canyon ridge, heading away from K camp, and the start of the AZ trail post K-camp (basically any time facing south or west!) was a real gem and knocked me around a lot. So I walked more than I wanted. But that's ok.

The re-route in Canelos west passes through some spectacular geology - lots of altered volcanics and what appeared to be a basalt flow in a drainage. Really cool.

Anyway, such a bummer all around. It was my best day 1 yet. I felt really strong, for me. If my elbow improves and I can get my wheel sorted, I may try again.
3  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZT 750/300 2017 Planning Thread on: April 03, 2017, 08:29:54 PM
Palisades spigot is still broken...few more miles to summer haven to get water.

Am I remembering correctly that the fire station has a spigot, but it is not potable water ...(?) Thx.
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