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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'11 Race Discussion on: July 09, 2011, 02:12:14 PM
Thanks for the info.  I know my daughter, Cathy P., was tracking Justin and rooting for him and Linnea...
2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'11 Race Discussion on: July 09, 2011, 01:36:48 PM
Justin's Tracker show him at the Gila Regional Medical Center.  I haven't researched that any further, but I thought I would mention it since I had looked it up.  I don't know any details and haven't heard anything from anyone else.
3  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'11 Race Discussion on: July 07, 2011, 10:51:32 PM
I was napping.  But, left to right...THERE'S a beautiful sight to wake up to!!!  And Rob's cues?  Right on!!
4  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'11 Race Discussion on: July 03, 2011, 08:02:10 PM
Me neither, but then, I haven't seen Tom in a little more than seven years.  I will tomorrow, though!
5  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'11 Race Discussion on: June 23, 2011, 08:26:23 PM
Had to get registered.  Otherwise, I'd not be able to see those Great Pics!!  Glad to be following all the TDers, but especially family and friends like JP, Tom, Ray, Martin, and Tori.  Loving the adventure!!
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