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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Trans Utah 2009 on: September 30, 2009, 08:29:32 PM
I talked to Troy today.  He and Blair are having a great time, despite the broken bridge (the kind for teeth, not for riding over) that the super glue didn't hold, so now he is a little toothless and had to re-bite his hamburger because the gap in his teeth left a gap in the burger bite too; and despite his broken glasses, which hopefully will respond better to superglue since they broke right in the middle and he is basically blind without them.  He says he feels a bit like an old man!  Eh, old men have a deep-down toughness to them.  He'll be just fine. 

Blair sounded chipper as ever. 

Thanks for the pics, DH.  It is fun to see some of what they are seeing too.

I'm so impressed with Dave's ride, and I'm not easily impressed.  Looks like he is riding smooth, strong, and steady.
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