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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'12 Race Discussion on: July 10, 2012, 08:07:40 PM

Very cool to watch Jim and Tracy caboosing into Silverthorne, after  their adversities earlier in the ride.

Hey, is that a bonus trip to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory?


2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'12 Race Discussion on: June 28, 2012, 07:53:37 PM

Re: Off route at Roberts Lake

I am learning a lot about the route and services by zooming in on the brief "off routes".

The map shows 140+ miles (half of it hot tough climbing) between the Pie Town grocery store and the Roberts Lake store.

Seems like Roberts Lake would be a welcome and necessary resupply before the single track from Roberts Lake to Silver City along the high ridge above Skates Canyon.

From the topo the track looks like fun riding in daylight, but might be hazardous in the dark of night?
3  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TrackLeader rider dots? on: June 06, 2012, 06:15:37 PM

Thanks for the tip. I downloaded Firefox and it works great!

4  Forums / Ultra Racing / TrackLeader rider dots? on: June 06, 2012, 05:46:28 PM

I am looking forward to following TDR2012 on!

From comments on other threads it sounds like you can see riders dots as they travel towards the start. But I don't see any rider dots on the start page map, and on the rider pages I don't see the maps or the progress dots.

Meanwhile, on the page I can see the main map with rider dots and on the rider pages I can see progress dots. 

Is there something that I need to setup on the Trackleaders page or the internet browser? Or just wait until the start date?

The PC is running XP SP3 and EI 8 (at the standard security setting)

Many thanks.

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