Taking a corny moment here...
Finished the race in 2009 and I remember the 3rd night was soul breaking.... was SUPER weak, coming down with a cold, and throat/nose/ears were screaming. I was crawling and barely moving my pedals. Fortunately, I was in the middle of no where on Marshal Mesa somewhere and had little choice but to move forward. If I could have quit, I don't know, I may have talked myself into bailing. Instead, I had no choice but to bunk down early in the drizzle, say 7pm (now-ish). Was DEAD to the world for probably 12-14 hours. Woke up and it was like it never happned. Felt "strong" and revitalized, marched on and felt "fine" the rest of the way.
My point is, if any rookies on the trail can read this, my experience is keep moving forward, listen to your body, don't give up yet! It will get better...... some of the best memories of my life happened just down trail ....
a corny quote from a corny movie, but suits these coming days for you..... "you find out this life is a game of inches".... "the inches we need are everywhere around us"....."every minute, every second"...."we claw with our fingernails for that inch... and if we add up all those inches, it's the difference between winning and losing, between livin and dyin"..... "and I know if I'm gonna have any life in me, it because I'm willing to fight and die for that inch, because that is what livin is... its the six inches in front of your face!"
Ladies and Gentleman, I hope you all find the strength to keep clawin for another inch tonight.