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1  Forums / Classifieds / Re: NEW Chouinard/Black Diamond Ultralight Tent (2-Person) on: November 12, 2009, 01:57:12 PM
$425 Canadian + shipping/insur. extra.

Best regards,
2  Forums / Classifieds / NEW Mountainsmith Modular Pannier System on: November 11, 2009, 12:18:29 PM
Modular: panniers can also be used as 2 backpacks. System includes: 2 large panniers, 2 carrier attachment devices, 1 bike seat bag (which can also serve as a 2-waterbtl. waist pack), and 1 handlebar bag (which can also serve as a medium-size waist pack). Lightweight and very well made Shipping/insur. extra.
3  Forums / Classifieds / NEW Chouinard/Black Diamond Ultralight Tent (2-Person) on: November 11, 2009, 12:04:55 PM
Roomy (48" high at front), 2.5 lbs. with 1 pole, stakes, carrying bag. Can be erected with a minimum of 2 stakes or hung. Insect-proof. For cycling, adventure racing, paddling, backpacking, or mountaineering. Shipping/insur. extra.
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