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1  Forums / Winter bikepacking / Re: What's in your winter brew? on: February 15, 2010, 11:21:17 AM
I'm gonna try it.
I hope you are half the hero in real life as I have built you up in my mind.  Thanks!

This shop is right in Greenpoint, the Polish epicenter of New York.

I have been described as a legend in my own mind. Glad I could help.  thumbsup
2  Forums / Winter bikepacking / Re: What's in your winter brew? on: February 14, 2010, 04:09:25 PM
I haven't been able to find this since I was like 20 years old (ten years ago) but I did an all night xc ski outing with two friends on the winter solstice once and we were doing laps of an 11 mile trail and every lap we'd stop and rest a bit and one of my friends (whose parents were from Poland) had this stuff called Mokate Raspberry tea in a thermos.  It was this instant tea stuff that he brought and I used to be able to find it in the grocery store where I lived in Michigan but I can't find it anymore.  If anyone ever runs across that stuff I highly recommend you try it.  It's the best thing I've ever had on cold outings.

Here you go, marrying into a Polish family finally paid off after 22 years!!!
3  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Fargo Shakedown Cruise on: February 11, 2010, 07:20:16 AM
Wow, quite an adventure in assembly. Hope all the bad ju-ju is worked out in the shop rather than the trail. Didn't know about the brake issue on the Fargo, good to know. I'll keep fingers crossed that the wrench @ the shop doesn't cut your steer, funny I asked Mike @ Universal to leave the steer on my El Mariachi alone, he assured me that it would be very long... 30mm is what they cut it down to... I could/should have bitched and insisted that they send me a new one un-cut so I could run the Woodchippers, but I guess I'll just run a silly riser stem and just deal. Hope you're dug out of the snow soon and on trail sooner!

Guitar Ted and others have said they were able to use 185s on the rear but they're all riding Large frames so that may have some bearing on it. I'm concerned if he cuts the steerer too short, the high rise Salsa stem I'm already using may not be tall enough. All this aggravation because I've been too cheap all these years to buy a headset press.  crybaby2
4  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Fargo Shakedown Cruise on: February 10, 2010, 07:59:09 PM
So when can we see your first Fargo outing sir?

 BangHead Well, it's like this... it's been something of an odyssey building this bike. I've been swamped at work and since I needed to have my LBS swap over the headset from the Inbred anyway, I decided to just have my them put it together for me. They're apparently not real experienced working with a somewhat ecclectic parts mix and, I also found out they had never seen
a Fargo before. The mechanic assembling the bike about crapped himself when Salsa told him he'd need to bend the fork's brake mounts to get them to clear the rotor(a problem almost every Fargo has had) I had to offer to come in and put a pair of pliers to it myself before he agreed to do it. Then he wasn't comfortable installing a triple FD with a double ring set-up, so we went round over that. He also told me my XT FD was "worn out" I think I used it all of 6 months, but it's about 10 years old and I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. After that, he found my 185mm rear brake wouldn't fit so he needed to order a 160. It's been almost 3 weeks at this point and I'm keeping my fingers crossed there are no more problems. Every time I've spoken to this guy, I remind him NOT to cut the steerer until he's called me to come in and check my bar height, I have this sick feeling he's going to cut it too short  angry4 and then I'll need to wait until he gets me a new fork (at his cost)

Aren't you sorry you asked, Bob?  icon_scratch
5  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Fargo Shakedown Cruise on: February 10, 2010, 04:20:53 PM
Awesome pics, looks beautiful there.  headbang

We're currently slammed with our second monster snow storm in 4 days here in SE Pennsylvania, somehow it dosen't seem
as inviting here. icon_scratch
6  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Please add your location on: January 24, 2010, 11:54:01 AM
7  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Introduction Thread on: December 09, 2009, 12:25:16 PM
Chris, first post here. Riding since '68, camping since '73, mountain biking since '86. Definitely a newb to bikepacking
but I'm eager to learn and experience. I'm something of a vintage MTB fan, only ride rigid and the jewel
in my collection is a '92 Steve Potts CCR (original and only owner) Just got my mitts on a Fargo and can't wait to
build it up and break it in. I'm planning a trip on the C & O with my brother some time next spring, not exactly wilderness
touring but it'll be a good way to spend some quality time with my only sibling. After that, who knows?
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