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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide Basics on: January 02, 2010, 09:12:58 AM
On basics, many haven't had a chance to read Eddy Clark's printed story on `09 TD in the 9/09 Mountain Flyer so here goes in pdf:

It's 2010 now, and easier to ask forgiveness than permission so TD reproduced it --until or when MF asks it be removed.
It contains good fodder for better notions of 'basics', as does the `09 media coverage list:

Thanks for posting!
2  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: An Alien Holiday on: December 28, 2009, 01:03:11 PM
Very nice! Thanks for sharing!! thumbsup
3  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Bike-camper (file under inspiration) on: December 28, 2009, 12:54:17 PM
His paintings of the camper bike aren't bad. And the shopping cart pop-up is interesting too. Has anyone read Cormac Mcarthy's, The Road? Reviews of the film adaptation (in theaters now) compel me to check it out.

The book is pretty dark and of course your mind plays pictures of the decriptions. I haven't seen the movie, we'll see if my visions of the post-apocalyptic world are the same as the director's.... I was actually thinking of re-reading it!
4  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide Basics on: December 16, 2009, 12:14:20 PM
Having never done the TD my ‘opinion’ is unsupported, but I think the basic answer is ‘yes’! 

So your sayin' there's a chance!  icon_biggrin
5  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Big Bend NP on: December 14, 2009, 02:02:46 PM
I too would be interested in the GPS track... thumbsup
6  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Big Bend NP on: December 14, 2009, 12:07:42 PM
Great info and great pics!

From a fellow Texan (Missouri City) South Houston..
7  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide Basics on: December 14, 2009, 10:45:54 AM
Can someone with basic MTB/Camping/Bikepacking experience train/learn enough in the next 7 months to attempt the TD?

I may get blasted for this question, but I'm dying to know. This race is so infectious and I feel the draw. I've been following it and lurking here for awhile and I really need to know how ya'll feel...
8  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide Basics on: December 07, 2009, 05:51:12 AM
What if by vacation restrictions I can only do "half" the TD. Should I start in Banff and ride for 2 weeks, see where I end up? Or, Start in the middle somewhere and ride to NM? I have a buddy that I have been training with and he plans on riding this year, I however have had to change jobs and will be limited on my vacation hours.

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