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Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Introduction Thread
on: December 08, 2009, 09:59:47 AM
Hi All, My name is Carl and I live in Seattle. Im investigating bike backing because I love the wilderness but don't like hiking nearly as much as I like riding my bike. I am friends with Gracie and Matt who did Divide by one last summer and they suggested this would be something I like. Im looking to do a big trip in summer 2010 and will be asking for lots of advise.
Forums / Bikepacking / Really big trip Idea
on: December 08, 2009, 09:55:01 AM
I am potentially going to have next summer to adventure and have been inspire by my friend Gracie and Matt of Divide by One fame (we went to college together) to do an adventure bike trip. I might be out of my league but im thinking of taking a BC ferry up the coast from seattle to either prince rupert or skagway AK and riding a bike bike. In either case I will take some roads (BC 37 looks remote enough as it is) and try and find a dirt path to avoid the Prince George/ William Lake section and stay closer to the mountains and away from people. Does this sound crazy? It would not be a super light trip due to remoteness, but I have lots of time on the bike as a racer of both mtbs and cross, and wilderness experience from personal trips and a NOLS mountaineering course, I would probably also try and find a partner. Does this seem feasible?
Forums / Routes / Routes in BC
on: December 08, 2009, 09:46:30 AM
Are there any established routes in British Columbia in the coast range? It would be very cool to have a dirt road/trail route though tweedsmuir coming from the prince rupert area down to kamloops