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Forums / Classifieds / Tubus Vega Evo rack, excellent condition. $110
on: June 17, 2015, 11:58:14 AM
Tubus Vega Evo rack, in great condition - only used on a couple of trips. It never carried more than about 15 pounds and is not very far off from new. This is a great rack - super durable from a well-reputed brand, lightweight, and has a 55lb carrying capacity! You can use it for commuting or for touring around the world. Description here: photos show the rack as it is now, and the rack mounted on my old bike, a Surly Troll. (and don't ask about my gear setup on that trip...) Note that you cannot use this rack with most bikes that have disc brakes! It worked on the Troll because that frame is designed especially to allow the use of normal racks along with disc brakes, but most disc frames need disc-specific racks. This is the reason I'm selling the rack now. Hit me up if you're interested! julian dot d dot bender at gmail dot com.
Forums / Routes / Re: Michigan Upper Peninsula
on: July 05, 2013, 12:16:42 PM
I'm hoping to cross the UP next summer in a cross-USA bike trip that will hit as many dirt roads as possible - I'll have to keep this route in mind!
Forums / Routes / Re: Medford OR, to Colorado Springs
on: June 24, 2013, 08:07:26 AM
Is this on or off-road? If on-road, google maps is your friend. Print out maps and directions. Or just get state road maps.
If off-road...that's a little more complicated and requires a fair amount of planning for a trip that distance, I'd say.
Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Please Ban: c29orinne
on: June 14, 2013, 12:43:22 PM
Never understood what the point of these bots's not posting links that it could be trying to attract clicks for, and all it mentions is gibberish about dresses. On a mountain biking forum. Wtf?
Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Photo Thread
on: June 10, 2013, 09:34:22 AM
I'd like to see more photos from that grassland trip, if they don't all look the same that is. Just how monotonous is it out there?
Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Is this route over ambitious?
on: June 05, 2013, 06:56:50 AM
I'm interested in seeing photos from the trip if you do it. I'd love to know what kind of mountain biking and wild camping opportunities are found in day I want to bike from Cornwall to Scotland.
Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Memorial Day Overnighter
on: May 31, 2013, 06:33:48 AM
Looks like fun was had by all. Awesome!
Julian, I assume you've considered a more standard - and much larger - seatbag, like Revelate's or Bedrock's. But if not, that would be a great way to lighten up the front end of the bike and fit your quilt easily... just a thought.
Definitely considered it, at the moment I'm just saving money for other stuff. I have a rack I can put on there too; I just didn't want to for this trip. Keep the trip reports coming guys...I won't have a free weekend to get out there until August, so I need to do it vicariously through this forum...
Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Photo Thread
on: May 13, 2013, 06:29:54 AM
If you're asking me, I can't remember the model name...some dual-sided Shimano pedals...cost me about 90 bucks. If that helps. I've never actually ridden clipless; I just got these in preparation for if I ever shell out for bike shoes.
Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Two Fish bottle cages - stability issues, any solutions?
on: May 09, 2013, 07:20:30 PM
I just did a test ride (on pavement, some of it rough) with one bottle cage having electric tape under it, the other not. The one with electric tape was considerably more stable, though it still moved, but it didn't seem to be moving past a certain point. I'll update if I find any better solution. Next will be finding an old inner tube to chop up and use part of.