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1  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Getting along with your sleeping equipment on: April 02, 2012, 08:04:15 AM
When I'm mummied up, my bag turns with me. I own a half dozen sleeping bags, and I use them all this way. If mummying up isn't needed, I do as Mojoe describes, comforter style with me moving under/in it.

Respectfully, it sounds like you may not be a sound sleeper. Of course elevation can impede sleep, and that sometimes messes with me above 10k'. Once in a while I'll feel really wired while trying to bed down. When I feel that coming on I'll down half a Vicodin, and an hour later I'm counting sheep no matter what. YMMV.

I've had the same issue as the OP and your method is exactly what I've started doing, especially when it's cold and I've got the hood cinched up.
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