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1  Forums / Question and Answer / GPS on Great Divide on: April 09, 2012, 04:04:21 PM
Purchased an Etrex30 with my REI dividend.  Downloaded a couple tracks and a route to test navigation over the weekend. Nothing but headaches up to this point.  I was guessing something close to what google maps does for us on a smartphone.  The tracks and routes show up on basecamp fine but on the etrex the route is covered in flags and data obscuring the route.  I've read the user manual and googled various help on this all day yesterday.   Starting to think about returning the unit and just going back to good old map/compass and cue sheets from ACA.  

Advice or experiences?  
2  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Ride the Divide on: April 09, 2012, 01:39:23 PM
This confirms it!  More riding, less stuff!
3  Forums / Question and Answer / Garmin Etrex30 Question on: April 05, 2012, 10:24:35 AM
New GPS user.  Purchased the Etrex30 and downloaded GD Route from ACA for N-S ride this July. After downloading into basecamp and onto the device SD card, when I access it in my route folder, it is labeled akwardly and seems very broken up by smaller sections ( like 3 or more different file folders for just the border to Whitefish section).

I bought the bundle with the TOPO US SD card but am not sure if it's sourcing this from the SD card or just using the basemap from Garmin.  Do I disable the basemap and just enable Topo? 

My expectations were to use the printed Maps/Cue Sheets (I cleaned these up in excel) and the GPS as an expensive co-pilot in case I question my route finding.  Right now the GPS just seems like a pain in the arse with having to close and open files of route section every 30-40miles.   There's got to be an easier way to do this that I'm missing right?   
4  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Ride the Divide on: April 03, 2012, 11:24:53 AM
Much appreciate the shared wisdom here.  For some reason, even though I was gearing light, I had a blind spot to the BOB trailer. 

FWIW, I just ordered a rackless bag kit from 12Wheels here in our classifieds.  Excellent reviews and quality commmunication on his part so far.  Now I'm curious how much of a game changer running these bag systems will be compared to a rack or trailer particularly during extended climbing or rough descents?

Also, now that I've sacrifised my traditional bottle cage locations for a framebag,  what are folks thoughts on mounting cages on suspension fork? This would be in addition to a bladder in the framebag and/or pack when max capacity is needed.
5  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Ride the Divide - Trailer vs Bags on: April 02, 2012, 02:51:50 PM
Thank you for sharing valuable experience.  I've done road tours with my BOB and had days where it just dissapears.  I started training more regularly with it in the mountains and the steeper grade roads and trails have made me question it's place on the divide.  I am using gear and strategies similar to those who race the divide so gear selection is light and minimalist.  I would prefer to climb 1mph faster than have a few luxuries. 

Any recomendations for where to get good bags this time of year (saw revelate had a few key pieces out-of-stock until spring 2012)?   Porcelain Rocket?  Others?       
6  Forums / Question and Answer / Ride the Divide on: April 02, 2012, 10:50:44 AM
Planning to ride the divide border-to-border this summer.  I have a BOB trailer but after doing much research am wondering if investing in a framebag-handlebar bag and seatpost bag set up would make the miles a bit easier to stamp out?  I'm going as light as possible with stays in motels about half the nights.  Targeting a 37 day goal for route.  Appreciate any advice as the investment in bags is not cheap. 
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