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Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Dixie 200/311
on: April 15, 2012, 11:47:57 AM
This looks like a fantastic trip, its awfully cool of you to put this route together. I've checked out some of the resources you've linked and they are all super helpful. I think a lot of my history with road touring will help, but after looking at some pictures I've found of this route it looks amazing. Utah is a beautiful place, I can't wait.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Dixie 200/311
on: April 12, 2012, 08:06:44 PM
Thanks for the info guys! This sounds like a lot of fun, and I'm really stoked. I'm going to go on my first offroad overnighter this weekend and see how that goes and then start training for this trip. How many days does it take for the average attempt? Is there some sort of guide I should look into (either like the Colorado Trail Guidebook for the course itself or a training guide)? I'd like to be armed with as much information as possible going into this thing. If anyone is willing to share their secrets about their setup (bike and or gear) I'd be interested to hear about that as well. Thanks again!
Forums / Ultra Racing / Dixie 200/311
on: April 06, 2012, 01:18:20 PM
hey guys, first post! I've done some road touring before, but I want to start doing offroad touring. I am about to move from Wisconsin to Utah in June and I have a few overnight trips that I'll be able to attempt to guage my skill at bikepacking. I've heard about the dixie 200 and 311 but I can't really find too much current info on it. I assume like a lot of the other TT bikepacking races that I've read about, that there will be a large send off so to speak with people both racing and touring. I'm a lot more interested in touring, but due to lack of experience I don't want to be completely alone on my first longer trip. So far nobody that I know will come with me. I am looking for some current info on this, I've searched this forum and the MTBR forums and haven't found anything for the 2012 race other than that in the "2012 Calendar" thread it says the start date is 6/23. If there is any current info on this or anything else that might be useful I'd really appreciate it.