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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread on: April 27, 2012, 11:59:39 PM
Awesome finish Jill, Marshall, David G and Amo! I spoke very briefly to Mark C. last night and today, it seems he is really struggling with foot issues now, I guess first the bike then the body?  This 750 has been a total grinder for him, but he never quits...although, today he sounded totally beat down, and really didn't sound as strong and positive as he consistently is.  I think the trail was winning today, but knowing Mark he will crawl to the end. 

Thanks Marshal and Sharon for being there, I know you can't wait too long, Marshal,  but I want you to know that your kindness blew Mark and I away!
2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread on: April 25, 2012, 04:55:11 PM
Thanks Toby and Kurt for the support, and your right Kurt the ITT is indeed self-supported/ and I meant no disrespect, as a matter of fact I was glued to the leaderboard in 2010 when you completed and ITT that can only be described as "god-like" ?! lol It was truly awe inspiring!  ..I enjoy watching guys like you, Kurt, Scott M. Jefe B. I think everyone did great things this year and by no means am I taking that away from anyone, just think rules are rules and i'm at home being negative not on the trail? so yeah sort it all out or don't? It really doesn't matter to me?  I just speak my mind because I am a feisty beatch! sorry but its the truth!!!
3  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread on: April 25, 2012, 02:29:08 PM
Well, after an insane amount of set-backs Mark C. is still in the race and moving towards the GC.!  His derailer took a dump quite a few miles out of Pine He was only able to use his 20/34 and practically walked/spun/out of the Mogollin Rim, he described it as the most "mind-numbing, demoralizing hell" on a bike he had ever experienced!

He mentioned that at several moments during this portion of the race he felt like bailing but thought that if he could just get to Flagstaff he could get his bike repaired.  Once out of the rim area he slowly crawled his way to Mormon Lake, had a shower, some food from the convenience store, and a new perspective.  He was finally able to call me and said that if he could just keep going, without anymore issues he would be fine.  He knew that since the area from Mormon Lake to Flagstaff was relatively flat he would be literally crawling on the 20/34 gear!!!!! He said even if he had to walk the majority of this portion he wasn't going to let the trail win.

But that optimism didn't last long when after about 10 miles the tires started to leak and he couldn't for the life of him locate the problem? Thorns? He was frustrated because no matter what he "Macgruber'd nothing wanted to seal or hold!  He said he didn't want to use his last tube for fear he would be really done..  Now, on top of the derailer crapping out his tires were betraying him?  I was praying like crazy when he called back to say that finally one of his "Macgruber" patches worked! 

That night he camped about 15 miles out of Flagstaff clearly determined to get into town and the issues fixed so he could get on the trail, this time able to actually pedal?!!!  Speaking to him at this moment I could sense a feeling of deep accomplishment and a unwavering committment to the sport that he so deeply loves.  I am amazed at his intensity and sheer will power during these darkest moments on the trail.  And today is his 42nd Birthday!  He is such a strong minded man and I am so very proud of his positive and unwavering focus on finishing!!!

and now what i have to say will most likely piss some people off... but here goes!?  Those who finished the race fully-self supported are truly winners, those who even though in a crisis didn't "bend" rules or "accidentally" navigate off trail to their benefit have my admiration.   Sorry but....lets be real why call it a race if some stick it out and some try to manipulate the rules?  Self-supported racing is just that self-supported?!  Go do an ITT if u want to make rules as you go along?  Its ok i don't mind being  Winners put one foot in front of the other even when the odds are against them!!!!
4  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread on: April 22, 2012, 03:08:03 PM
Hi Scott,
Mark C. had derailer issues and was only able to use one gear, although I'm not sure which?  I haven't been able to speak to him since yesterday evening around 6 pm (his phone charger not working)..He wasn't sure if he should attempt to back track back to Payson or move forward.  It appears he chose to move forward.  It has been very difficult to watch this progress knowing that he is facing severe problems and not being able to speak has been very stressful here, but even worse for him I imagine?  He sounded very down yesterday, but he is tough of mind and spirit and good at fixing things when they fail so I have faith he will pull through this its just difficult not being able to communicate or help?!  sad2 Leila
5  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread on: April 21, 2012, 09:07:14 PM
I last spoke to Mark C. at 6:09 today and he reported severe issues with his derailer which occured around 4pm today. He was only able to use one particular gear/however I don't know which it was exactly?  He is doing alot of hike a bike and although he was sounding strong earlier in the morning by 6pm his spirits were crushed.  He is moving forward by sheer will right now and I haven't heard from him because his phone wasn't holding charge on top of the bike probs?!  I am praying and hoping he finds the strength and clearness of mind to make it. I have faith in him and but its hard feeling so helpless here at home!  Thanks for listening, Leila
6  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread on: April 21, 2012, 01:59:38 PM
Thanks Groundedkiwi, I appreciate your kindness and I am sure Mark did as well!  Toby, the trail has really been torture to Mark's feet this time around...he is using clipless and walking in those shoes isn't helping!  He had a really tough time around the Pine/Geronimo portion of the AZT. yesterday evening he was really beat down...but today he sounds better and continues to move forward! so thanks again Mark really appreciates the kind words and support!  Leila
7  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread on: April 20, 2012, 10:52:02 AM
Me too Toby!  Mark  C. is a quite unassuming type guy, he loves the sport and the competition he doesn't think of quitting no matter what is thrown in his path!? i.e.  a rattlesnake and a  centipede as big as a snake?!  Or a mouse dragging off his water tabs?  Luckily they didn't like them and missed his food stash! I agree he does seem stronger than 2010, I think he's approx a day quicker? maybe? He had changed his diet a couple mths before the race, no sugar no white flour etc. and it seems to have increased his staying power.  I encouraged (nagged) him to make that change after 2010 he ended up with twizzlers at the end of the 750.

He mentioned that he hasn't had to take any Ibuprophen yet.   Which is amazing, He said his feet and achilles were the only things hurting badly.  He was in good spirits and going to camp out near the Walmart so he could get batteries...his solar charger not working and the rechargeable batteries aren't holding charge.  He also lost handlebar light and made it into Payson with very little light on top of that!  Leila
(mark usually doesn't blog or even have a fb page so that is why i chirp in on the site every so often during the race  Wink
8  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread on: April 19, 2012, 10:44:36 PM
Thanks Scott, Just wanted to say that not only do you do an amazing job with the Tracking and site, you also do a great job responding so kindly to maniac girlfriends like me..who are clueless and full of the competitive spirit?..(armchair quarterback) i guess? 
Wow! awesome to hear of Mike B's accomplishments awesome effort congrats! To you too Tammy nice to see you are so passionate about his success, very nice  thumbsup
9  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread on: April 19, 2012, 02:03:27 PM
Oh? Thanks Dave H. I am just a gf who knows diddley squat?! and think i do at times?!  I guess that is the reason that it didn't show..huh? hmm, guess he can't say I don't have his back huh? ....sorry if offended anyone! I just really get into the spot track and sometimes I get a little feisty...again my apologies. Leila
10  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread on: April 19, 2012, 11:15:12 AM
Hi Scott,
Awesome race..and so much fun to watch the blue dots!!! I've been glued to my computer..  I was curious Mark Caminiti finished the 300 yesterday behind Tanner M and minutes ahead of Wendy L and Mark R. yet it doesn't show that he is a finisher of the 300 yet?  Is there a time delay?  I talked to him when he had reception in the desert and when he finished the 300 completely exhausted and spent from riding so hard through the I hope that the results are posted correctly?  I mean he pushed it hard to stay ahead of W L and M R. but now I see that he isn't even listed as a finisher of the 300? Sooo, what is up with that? lol sorry to sound demanding or anything just think it should be posted correctly after such extreme effort on his part?  Thanks again for such an inspirational event! Leila
11  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2012 AZTR/300 Discussion Thread on: April 15, 2012, 12:11:18 AM
Wow! Amazing effort everyone! inspiring to see the sheer will to push on, so well expressed in athletes with a passion not often understood by the average mortal.. just wow! After hearing from Mark C.(about 8:46pm) he also described ....the "death mud" as someone earlier mentioned, and he added that the "death mud" was accompanied by sideways sleet/rain/snow mix, he also described  cleaning his bike over and over and thinking their was no way he could push a muddy bike he luckily found refuge in an overturned tank of some sort?  He said it was hell sitting there for so long.  He said he vividly remembered the 2010 snow and mud that ground down brake pads like he'd never seen? Mark is a determined man, but i did hear in his voice that this weather was demoralizing not only to his bike but to his body and mind...I support what this race means to Mark C. and to all of you involved, especially Scott M. spot tracking is amazing, thanks!
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