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1  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: TD Question: Am I nuts? on: May 09, 2012, 03:24:09 PM
Thanks Chad, appreciate it. I posted there first to realize that it's better suited here, then went back and wasn't able to delete it. Newbie mistake!

2  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: TD Question: Am I nuts? on: May 09, 2012, 07:46:39 AM
Thanks guys! Appreciate your positive attitudes about it... especially considering this is such a knee jerk, insane idea. I want to test myself a little this weekend before making my final decision. I am planning on doing two 130 mile days on dirt with a weighted bike to see how I handle it. I'm hoping my youthful vitality will help me out.  thumbsup

If anyone has any other opinions I'd love to hear them!

Thanks very much,


3  Forums / Question and Answer / TD Question: Am I nuts? on: May 08, 2012, 05:33:14 PM
Hello bikepackers of the world!

I need some opinions from you fine folks. I am a younger guy that's just landed a new job beginning in early July and I was planning on taking June off for some "me time". As if the stars have aligned, I have realized that this might be a wonderful time to give TD a shot. I mean, beyond this I am moving into a serious gig that won't allow me to take a month off, and having a family is probably not all that far away. Perhaps this is as good of time as any to try this thing out. Am I nuts to be thinking seriously about this with only a month to prepare?

I've cycled across Canada, done a bunch of 24 hour races, enduros and Transrockies. I'm not a newbie to endurance cycling, but then again TD is a whole different beast. I have limited experience with self-supported riding but am an avid camper that can repair almost anything on a bike without issue. That's gotta be worth a little, at least? 

Here's where I'm at: my overall core and strength fitness is good although my race legs are in crappy shape. (I feel like the first week of TD can take care of that in part). I'd be looking to treat it as a tour (not a race!) and hope to finish around the 30 day mark or so, if at all. I'd honestly be happy to give it my best shot, take it as it comes, and make it as far through the States as possible. It's all about the experience this year.

I know this is an insane idea to prepare for this in a month. My fitness is my biggest concern. Mentally I can take the long days in the saddle alone. Logistically and financially it's doable. So, why not? 

What do you fine folks think?

Thanks very much for your thoughts and time!

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