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Forums / Routes / How many miles of sand are on the Kokopelli Trail
on: February 12, 2013, 07:19:35 PM
I would like to ride the Kokopelli Trail sometime. I was wondering, if all the sand to ride was all in one straight shot, how long would that be?
I am trying to figure out the percentage of sand relative to the total length of the ride.
Thanks in advance.
Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Route Building and GPS
on: September 26, 2012, 02:58:17 PM
Would anybody be interested in lending me any topo (hopefully with some section of wilderness/secondary roads/trails) from the Garmin series? I would just like something to try out in Topofusion aside from the demo's. (Interestingly enough I used to live right in Golden) PM me if your interested.
Thanks again,
Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Route Building and GPS
on: September 25, 2012, 04:48:42 PM
Thank you everyone for your input. I downloaded topofusion pro and tried it out. It seems to me that the resolution is somewhere below google earth quality. I would like topo quality images if possible. Or at least image quality between a real topo map and google earth, shifting more to topo map resolution if possible. Then I would like to set waypoints based on the maps.
Is there anything, a website or software, that will do this?
Thanks in advance.
Forums / Question and Answer / Route Building and GPS
on: September 24, 2012, 06:17:41 PM
I am new to bikepacking but have some experience with backpacking. I am trying to figure out the best way to plan trips. I know how to get topo's and draw on a map, ect to determine a route. However, I am sure there are more modern ways to do this (i.e. electronically). Do some of you pay for a subscription service for maps? Can waypoints be determined from the maps and then used in GPS device. I am new to GPS devices as well and I'm trying to determine the correct one to buy. Someone on this forum or another pointed me towards the etrex 20. Would a gps that accepts topos be more usefull?
Can someone give me a idea of how they create routes? From google earth to GPS or topo to GPS.
Thanks in advance
Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Water and GPS Units
on: August 09, 2012, 06:55:44 PM
I can relate to the climbing/water more than I can biking/water. I have done much more climbing than biking hour for hour. I did do the Dakota 50 once, in around 7.5 - 8 hrs. I used a 2L Cascade Designs Platypus hydration pack and one water bottle, but I am certain there was a refill station along the way (but I cannot remember it). Otherwise, I have not completed any longer rides to judge water usage.
It would be nice to see others rates of water consumption. It would be nice to compute an average.
Looks like the etrex 20 will my next addition to the "to buy" list.
Thanks for your help all!
Forums / Question and Answer / Water and GPS Units
on: August 06, 2012, 07:01:23 PM
I am new to bikepacking and have a few questions. On multi-day trips how do you plan for water? If I am riding twelve hours per day I may consume 4 liters. Does this sound right? When I used to backpack, I used a topo map to plan for water stops. Is this how everyone else does it? (sometimes marked water spots are dry though)
I am looking for a used GPS unit. The Garmin website shows sport specific and outdoor specific models. In short, there are way to many choices there for me. Which models work best for you and why? Other brands are ok too, please share your thoughts.