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1  Forums / Classifieds / Re: FS:Hennesy Ultra Lite Hammock on: September 10, 2012, 10:36:19 AM
Cool.  Thanks Scott.  I just re-sent the email.  You might check your SPAM bucket if you still don't have it when you check.  Meantime, you answered my primary question.  Here are the rest from the email:

2. Other than the Snakeskins, is it customized or accessorized in any way, or is it the stock model with the standard rain fly?

3. From where will you be shipping this, and by what method?  Just trying to get a sense of how quickly it'd get to me in VT.

4. What's your preferred payment method?

5. And just out of curiosity, why'd you decide you want to sell it?

Lastly, I'm 6'1", just above the recommended size range for the Ultralight Backpacker model.  You think this is a bad idea, or still pretty comfy but just a bit less room to sprawl out?
2  Forums / Classifieds / Re: FS:Hennesy Ultra Lite Hammock on: September 10, 2012, 09:05:02 AM
Sent you an inquiry by email on Friday.  Not checking your hotmail account perhaps?  I'm interested.  You've answered one of my questions (bottom entry versus zip), but is this the Ultralight Backpacker, or Explorer Ultralight?  How do I reach you by email?
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