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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2016 - race discussion thread on: June 07, 2016, 10:51:34 AM
If you had to put together your top 10 this year... who would your money be on with the current start list?
2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour De Los Padres 2016 on: February 02, 2016, 10:59:56 AM
Oh dear - these conditions are not stacking up for me

I wonder if I should start looking at alternative rides to do?
3  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour De Los Padres 2016 on: January 27, 2016, 09:50:35 AM
Hi Erin

You mentioned possible muddy section around Carrizo - what are the rough mile markers that this might potentially be?
Just trying to get as much info on the route for planning purposes.

4  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour De Los Padres 2016 on: January 18, 2016, 09:39:05 AM
Anyone in Los Angeles know of a retired or non-working individual who would be willing to lift me to the Frazier Mountain region (~85 miles)? Happy to pay for gas/time as agreed.
Collection from LAX on Friday 26th February @14h00?
5  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour De Los Padres 2016 on: January 18, 2016, 07:26:31 AM
OK - so looking at my set up for my ride end Feb.

Weather wise for that time of year - do you think I will be OK sleeping out or do you think a shelter of some sort would be better? Not necessarily just for wet - but also considering the temperatures?

You mentioned water will be more abundant that time of the year - what would be the recommendations for carrying capacity?

How safe is the route to ride at night? Are there any sections that are treacherous or non-advisable to do at night?


6  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour De Los Padres 2016 on: January 15, 2016, 11:37:38 AM
Hey Erin - for the on-foot hike - do you expect a hike-a-bike walk or leave bikes at the base and hike up?
7  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour De Los Padres 2016 on: January 06, 2016, 12:59:12 PM
Hey Erin

Do you think the 2016 gpx / route will be finalized by the end of Feb? If not I may just choose to Mt Pinos and do the 2015 route.

8  Forums / Ultra Racing / Tour De Los Padres 2016 on: November 13, 2015, 07:59:45 AM
OK - so planning a trip to LA at the end of Feb (26th) and figured I would possibly use the opportunity to ITT the Tour De Los Padres route. Being one of the earlier starters in the year I have a few questions to those who have done it before.

1) Starting the end of Feb - will this be to early (potential for rain or snow?)
2) I will be arriving in LAX - does anyone have any suggestions to get to the start in Fraizer Park?
3) Any must see or stops along the way?
4) Anyone want to join me?!


9  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2015 TD on: June 09, 2015, 10:54:48 AM
Anyone else watching Rons' northbound tracking today.... looks like he has turned back - could it be the trail conditions & snow - as this is where Billy was having issues and bailed into touring mode
10  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2015 TD on: June 02, 2015, 12:43:35 PM
Anyone on the same shuttle as me?? Banff Airporter - 1230 YYC to Banff - Jun 10 2015
Good to know who I will be riding with!!!

11  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2015 TD on: June 01, 2015, 10:33:22 AM
@ Dave - thanks so much for this! This is one of the most useful resources I have found in planning my trip!

You rock!
12  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2015 TD on: May 28, 2015, 11:34:11 AM
Anyone know or had any updates from Stephen Short? Looks like he was northbound - but has come to a stop??
13  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2015 TD on: May 07, 2015, 06:20:06 AM

Looks a lot less in comparison to 2014.
14  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TOUR DIVIDE 2014 on: October 10, 2013, 03:36:38 PM
At this stage I will be back for round two! Loads of learnings and agree with the esteemed Veteran Scott - best $$ you spend will be on a PROFESSIONAL bike fitting.
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