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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Are u free during April - the first holyland MTB challenge on: December 19, 2013, 07:17:29 AM

I just got back to the UK from a week in Israel where I hooked up with Zohar. Having ridden a tiny bit of the HLC route with him and having been shown the rest of it, I believe that this race will become a bikepacking classic. Any bike packer who has the means to get out there should do so. Why am I so enthusiastic?

1. Israel is one of the interesting countries on the planet and Israelis are amazingly welcoming to visitors/tourists.

2. The HLC route has been specifically designed to maximise the 'Israel experience'. Racers are going to see mountains, the Mediterrean coast, Tel Aviv, the ancient quarter of Jerusalem, woodland, the desert and the Red Sea.

3. The route takes in some of key religious sites such as the place where Jesus (reportedly!) walked on the Sea of Galilee and Jerusalem. Even if you are an atheist like me these places are bloody interesting!

4. The route is technically demanding and fun.

5. It will definately be sunny!

See you there!


PS. Speaking as someone who works in the security sector, I can say that you have nothing to be concerned about from a security perspective. British Foreign Office advice is here:

The route does not enter any area that the FCO advises travel against and there is nothing out there that will eat you!
2  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: IGH Battle - Rohloff vs Shimano Alfine 11 on: August 07, 2013, 04:46:27 AM
I used an Alfine 11 during the TD12 and it got me to end, albeit with some of the issues that have been highlighted here.

On returning the UK the hub failed and luckily my sympathetic bikeshop provided a replacement under warranty.  When I got my new hub I did some reflection and research, and concluded that the problems with the hub were my fault.  Primarily my the issues were that I had not changed the oil after the initial 300 miles, or eased off the hub when shifting.

With the new hub I changed the oil on schedule and stop pedalling completely during a shift and it has worked PERFECTLY for a year over some serious mileage through a miserable UK winter. 

I got my initial Alfine 11 only a few months before the TD12 and did not pay enough time bedding it in, learning how it operates and how to maintain it properly. When I returned I was convinced that they were a rubbish piece of kit, but 1 year on I am so impressed that I am considering a second Alfine 11 for my full suss trail bike.     

BOTTOM LINE:  I believe that almost of the issues associated with Alfine hubs are down to user error and that it is an excellent piece of kit.  This opinion is 10000 miles in the making.
3  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Summer Store in NM on GDMBR? on: March 12, 2013, 03:56:14 PM
No it isn't that one thanks. The place was little more than a shack.
4  Forums / Question and Answer / Summer Store in NM on GDMBR? on: March 12, 2013, 08:04:55 AM

Please help:

Does anyone have a name and address for the lady who runs the summer store in NM on the GDMBR? It features in the Ride the Divide movie.

I think her name may be Maria and that the store is just north of Abique.

Im from the UK and she invited me to have dinner with her and her family as I passed through on the TD last year. I'm back in the states for a few weeks and wanted to send her a thank you card/gift. Sadly I lost her details with my iPhone later in the race.


5  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Where to bike in March in the USA on: November 05, 2012, 12:15:32 PM
Looking good! Problem solved!
6  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Where to bike in March in the USA on: November 03, 2012, 06:55:29 AM
Awesome, I'll research Pueblo!

7  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Where to bike in March in the USA on: November 03, 2012, 12:54:48 AM

Thanks the replies so far! In response to some queries and to add clarity:

1. TD does stand for Tour Divide. I mentioned it only as a lot of the riders I met seemed to come from CO.

2. We aren't really to keen to bike in KA as the riding there is similar to what we can get in England. CO offers something different (Sierra etc), but I accept that much of it snowed out at that time of year. We would consider other states that might be less affected by snow.

3. Moab was the first choice, but it is just too far to drive for one weekend.

4. The type of riding we are looking at doing on this trip would be demanding, technical, single track.


8  Forums / Question and Answer / Where to bike in March in the USA on: November 02, 2012, 01:47:20 AM
Hi guys,

Riding in the TD this year it appeared that a lot of people in this scene were from CO so I thought that this would be a good place to get some advice.

I'm English and will be visiting Leavenworth KA in Mid-March 2013. We have a weekend free to do some biking and are willing to drive upto 800 miles to get to a good spot. We looked at staying in KA but the riding is similar to UK and we we want something different. So:

Where are the best places to ride in CO in March that will definitely be free of snow? Are these suggestions worth driving 12-15 hours for?!


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