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1  Forums / Question and Answer / Packing S and S coupled bike with bolt on IGH on: August 25, 2013, 06:55:22 PM
This is probably a shot in the dark, but I'm contemplating building up a Vaya Travel with an internally geared hub.  My question is if anyone has had success fitting an S&S coupled bike into the 26x26x10" case with a bolt on hub, or if the extra length caused by the bolt axle (187mm in length) prevents it all from fitting. Simple math of course points to total height of the rear axle and front hub width of 100mm adding up to 11.3 inches, but I'm hoping the tilt of the rear wheel might let the axle slip past the hub shell on the front wheel.

All the documentation I can find is with QR wheels with the QR skewer removed, obviously it's a tight fit to begin with, and I'd prefer not to find out its an impossible fit after the fact. Any opinions or experience with this would be appreciated!
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