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1  Forums / Routes / Routes for forest roads and moderate single track in Colorado? on: February 25, 2013, 03:25:03 PM
I am wondering if anyone can recommend Colorado routes for forest service roads and moderate (non0technical) single track for 3+ or a week bike packing? I am looking for routes that do not include any paved connections (I have brain injury and am wimpy around sounds from motorcycles etc, and have had multiple trips end because of them).


With abandon,
2  Forums / Routes / Re: Colorado trail first week of August? on: February 25, 2013, 03:19:58 PM
Last year mid June I rode the Great Divide Mountain Bike trail from central Colorado to the NM border. Snow was unfortunately not an issue, and likely would not have been much of one on the Colorado Trail then at least until the San Juans (near Durango). If you ride from Denver to Durango you increase your chances of success, as the higher mountains are closer to Durango. Unless spring storms come in heavy, it is a light year for snow so far. Have a blast!

With abandon,
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