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1  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Questions for the vets on: April 06, 2013, 06:32:10 PM
Thanks for the reply y'all. I am planning my first trip to utah/ arizona. Just for a week maybe ten days round trip. I wanna get the feel for all of it in stunning surroundings. After that I want to take this bike into the highlands in guatemala to colombia , ride the circumfirence of New Zealand and take a bunch of advice along the way. I have a seasonal occupation and no matter where I chose to work I want my bike there with me.
Does the frame size matter on the conversion?
2  Forums / Question and Answer / Questions for the vets on: March 31, 2013, 09:49:38 AM
Hey all Im new to this whole thing and have some questions.
I live in New Orleans and my Bikepacking trips are mostly going to be out of Louisiana. I just got my bike and more gear is on the way.
My main questions is about s and s couplers, Is is possible to get them installed on any bike? I am in a rare position to consider having this done. I guess I just want to know some pro's and cons. I have a Fargo 3 2013
Thanks much
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