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1  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Ultralight sleeping bags for a woman or "short" size on: September 16, 2013, 12:12:17 PM
You might want to check out Western Mountaineering or Feathered Friends, they have some very nice ultralight 3 season (and 4 season) down bags and will custom fill bags upon request.  I have an old WM iriquois 38deg down bag that is great.   and also a 5deg WM Antelope SMF bag for mild winter backpacking. 

I am fairly short myself at 5'5" which is great for sleeping bags as you can fit the lighter short models.

Mountain Hardware Phantom line are good too, I have a Phantom down jacket I use for winter backpacking... Most likely cheaper than the custom bag makers like WM/FF

2  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Riding the GDMBR in 2014 on: September 13, 2013, 12:45:10 PM
You could use clear packing tape, but taking the tape off would be a problem unless it's made to be removed...

I did not notice any bad scratches in 1700 miles on the great divide on my steel ElMar but sooner or later, I would think it will eventually start to rub, much like the brake cables on the front fork crown..

3  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Riding the GDMBR in 2014 on: September 11, 2013, 07:17:39 AM
I rode a 29er Salsa ElMar3 from Banff to CO this year. I'm 5'5" and found the larger wheel fine for the ride. It is a little taller than my other 26" wheeled mtbs so I am riding a bit higher than what I would be used to but not terribly so.  My El Mariachi has a Manitou front suspension fork on it with lock out and I found it nice to have on some of the washboard sections. It's not the greatest but it does damp some of the washboards out. 

4  Forums / Routes / Re: Fall 2014 on the Great Divide on: September 11, 2013, 04:47:12 AM
Ovando, MT,  is kind of a must see and a very nice stop... Whitefish, MT has a nice bike shop to resupply (Glacier Cyclery), so does Butte, MT (The Outdoorsman). 

Brush Mtn Lodge in CO is a definite stop for food and possibly lodging. 

So many unique places, it kind of depends on what you like, history, geology, or just nice scenery, it has it all!

5  Forums / Routes / Re: GDMBR Local History -- South Pass, Emigrant trails, South Pass City on: September 11, 2013, 04:43:07 AM
You'll see some big and ornately decorated trail history on the Oregon trail (and the Lander cutoff) on the route.   Also you can stop by the visitor center and watch a really interesting 15(Huh?) minute video of the history and if you have more time, donate $ to go take the tour of the old buildings. I agree, South Pass City is an interesting stop on the Great Divide.   

So is Atlantic City too but that is a bit more populated than SP City.   

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