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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD`13 Race Discussion on: July 11, 2013, 02:09:54 PM
"hot girls at the finish given them some type of flowery substance"

there at the end of Antelope Wells there was a female buffalo that was kinda cute and gave me the wink.  Sadly, the substance she was giving was not flowery.  But there was need for some kind of flower air deodorizer

MISTER Thigpen, I appreciate your Humor but you still need to fly back to Baniff and do it again and cover it so I can continue with my fix. Thanks!!!  Let us know when you get there.
2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD`13 Race Discussion on: July 11, 2013, 06:43:54 AM
Whats the point?

Whats the point of making contention times, competitive lists etc? Whose benefit is it for ?  I don't think its certainly for the riders.

They show up at Baniff not paying any type of entry fee. Their letters of intention do not say to be first to finish this race or be the winner. They do not finish with any podium ceremony or medal, hot girls at the finish given them some type of flowery substance to wear on their head neck etc.

I think the race is in the riders heart and mind themselves. Some will show up to beat the world record, some will race their bud or race to catch the next pack.
Race to finish in the top 10 or 20.  Race against their failing bodies, race to next stop in a certain amount of time. Race against the time it took to do the same mileage yesterday.

I do not think one rider has ever shown up with intentions to be in 1st place. From what I have seen and read most riders are there for the experience, and to see if they can finish.

If we begin to break people up in their human and un-human abilities we are taking a road to turning this event into something that it shouldn't be.

Just my opinion
3  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD`13 Race Discussion on: July 03, 2013, 08:58:36 PM
I hope Forest Baker puts up a 2013 version TD movie like he did back in 2010 .
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