SOLDLet me start off by saying that this bike rode great and if I could justify having two full suspension bikes, it would not be for sale. I bought the frame last spring and built it over the summer. It was ridden about 100 miles and though fairly light(27.5lbs with XO eagle and a lightish wheel/tire combo) and an overall great riding bike, the other longer travel bike worked better for most of the riding I do right now.
Comes with a DUB bb and a Cane Creek 110 headset. $1250 shipped to the lower 48 via bike flights.
Overall, great condition aside from a minor scuff on the top tube(shown in last pic.) Has some clear-film paint protect around the head tube that I can remove if you'd like. More pictures are available upon request.
Also have a 125mm Reverb Stealth with button style remote, also with about 100 miles on it, that I would sell for $125.
Bike could be sold complete, various parts available. Shoot me a PM for more info.
Thanks for checking out this post!