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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR 2013 Discussion on: August 08, 2013, 05:36:50 AM
Aaron- Wow... Great video ! Such amazing scenery. The editing, music, and flow of the film were awesome. Thanks for another fantastic insight into this amazing race.

2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR 2013 Discussion on: August 02, 2013, 09:05:47 AM
Such epic tails I have read on this amazing race. Each one of your write-ups are so inspiring they are compelling me to give this race a go. Thanks to all the competitors for the stunning pictures and nail biting stories of courage and endurance. Congratulations to all and especially my buddies from Nor Cal, Will and Brue who stayed on-point and finished strong. I would love to hear your stories as well. I wish you all a speedy recovery! thumbsup
3  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR 2013 Discussion on: July 25, 2013, 10:20:19 AM
Wow.... Super human effort. So, so very impressive on many levels. Major congratulations to JJ and JB. and....friggen crazy stuff you two just pulled off.  AND all the other blue dots that will continue to suffer and deal with the CTR on a very personal level.  Having not raced the CTR I do not understand the nights, extreme elements, the gnarly terrain and most of all the unworldly sights and maybe even hallucinations? . Thanks to all the racers for making the 2013 CTR such an impressive show of racing on the rooftop of North America. All you CT Racers are super stars. Good luck and God speed to all the racers still on course. YOU ALL ROCK ! thumbsup
4  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR 2013 Discussion on: July 24, 2013, 08:55:08 PM
Hey Thanks Jarral,

I am not sure what Will would have mailed (probably not insulin) but I am sure an extra set of test strips would be much appreciated, Will and Brue and awesome dudes and like the rest of these amazing super human boys and girls would appreciate any trail angles that aid their travels.
5  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR 2013 Discussion on: July 24, 2013, 03:15:50 PM
I just saw this message from my buddy Will Ritchie at mile 120,       Will Ritchie - " Shipment did not arrive. Please send diabetes supplies to next resupply. " I am not sure who is managing his resupplies but I hope they get this message. Looks like he is still riding with his buddy Brue S.
6  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR 2013 Discussion on: July 24, 2013, 02:54:23 PM
Looks like JJ and JB are back together, it must have been a tracking error. These guys are on the gas. So much respect for EVERYONE out on the CTR. Epic warriors, all of you !
7  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR 2013 Discussion on: July 24, 2013, 02:48:11 PM
Looks like Jefe B. has headed down off the CT on Jefferson Lake road. Maybe its a spot abnormality? Heavy weather?
8  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR 2013 Discussion on: July 22, 2013, 05:20:03 PM
Thanks for the photos Eszter and Scott ! Eszter I followed your blue dot a few years ago. Your awesome. I am pretty sure your beat almost everyone. Super stoked to follow this race north/east. My two bros, Will R. and Brue S. from the Bay Area are first timers and and I have major props from them. I hope the trail angles shine brightly on these lads.
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