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1  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Electric fatbike for extended remote trips on: July 01, 2015, 05:26:06 PM
...particularly for remote, extended durations
Welcome to the forum and congrats on your first post. I am not a frequent poster myself.

One issue, depending on where you
intend to ride the electric motorcycle is that it my violate the local rules/laws. It would cause family distress to be "pulled" over for land access violation. It is illegal to ride "motorized" vehicle in my state on "multi-use" trails. A motor is a motor is a motor per the law here. There is no handicap access provision on multiuser trails. Hopefully, it is legal where you intend to travel? If it is not legal, be aware, many human powered bicyclist "self-police" access rules/laws because they fear trail access loss. That can lead to stress you and your family don't desire. Europe seems to be farther down the electric powered motorcycle road then the USA.

Don't be surprised when you aren't made to feel welcome to travel on US trails, no matter the physical challenges the individual riders of an electric "fat" motorcycle face.

Best of luck in your search to have a fun filled experience with your family.
2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Trans Iowa V10 on: February 10, 2014, 05:29:57 PM
Oops pocket post. Just checking in. Training with a Fatbike. Lots of pushing, lately. Something tells me this year will be a little tougher.
3  Forums / Question and Answer / Garmin 500 - recharging options on: December 05, 2013, 05:04:16 PM
I used a Garmin 510 and a battery sold by Gomadic for TI v9. Supposedly made for the Garmin 510. It is an "External Lithium-Ion Battery Pack", model PBP-01, Capacity is 3400mAh. The output is 5.5V, 700mA max. It is about the size of my iPhone in it's case. I charge it with my Apple USB charger. I also use it to extend the battery of my iPhone & Joule 2.0.

 For the TI, I ran my fully charged 510 for about 12 hrs. I then plugged in the battery pack to the mini-USB connector of the 510. The coiled cord came out of the zipper of my Tangle bag. With the battery I was able to have back lighting 100% of the time during the night. This was key to making the turns according to the cue sheet. The Gomadic battery finally went dead sometime in the daylight of the morning, but the 510 was fully charged ready to finished the remainder of the miles. I did buy another one from Gomadic, that runs off of four AA's. Same idea but that one would be ideal when you need to go longer than 33 hrs, because you buy more AA's and properly dispose of the dead ones. I left that charger in the hotel room.

Good luck at TI v10. I will be sweeping the course again. Love the vibe of a Guitar Ted production.

BTW, this is my first post on this forum.
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