i think a lot of guys take dehydrated food so no smell..
Don't kid yourself. Bears will smell anything scented - any food(including dehydrated), snacks, toothpaste, deodorant, lotions. And they will tear your gear apart to get to it. Where there is a high population of bears, it's not a bad idea to stop and eat supper in a different place than you make camp. Even cooking smells can attract bears to your camp.
The most inexpensive way to go is a 50' length of cord and a stuff sack. Throw the cord over a branch and haul the food bag up in the air. Hang the bag at least 10' off the ground and 6' away from the trunk of the tree.
Another way would be to use an
Ursack. It's a bear resistant bag that you tie around a tree. A bear can chew on the bag, but can't tear it open. Your food might be crushed, but at least you'll still have food.
A bear canister would be another way, but they are large and heavy and I couldn't imagine carrying one on a bike trip.