Alright, fair enough. I do like to straddle my bike while reading maps and taking short breaks though. I mean you can't honestly be implying that having a SO height of 5 inches higher than your cycling inseam is a good idea, right?
Something I failed to mention is that the bike I am speaking of has an optimal geometry besides the SO height that is in question. So I am not basing my whole fit around the SO measurement, BUT it is the one piece of the fit that I am concerned about.
If a rider is looking to size up, stand over may become an issue. The proper sized frame will work for 95% of us unless one has a super short inseam.
If you like to straddle during a break, thats totally ok. Its just improper technique that creates bad riding habits. I always keep one foot on the pedal, one on the ground and I stay in the saddle when I take a break like u describe. Keeps me honest with good form. Trust me u will crash way less and ride better if u learn to mount and dismount on the non drive side of your bike and always trackstand instead of straddling at stoplights and such. When the crap hits the fan moving, instinct takes over. IF one learns good form the ability to easily separate from the bike and end up on your feet or in a good football player type of drop to the ground is much easier than going right to the top tube with the groin and using Fred Flintstone style stoppie action.
The old rule of 2-3" of clearance is no longer valid.