Thanks fellas for all the great tips!
Harry, I figured I'd be stuck in crappy weather, unfortunately its the best time for me to take time to ride. The Garmin was just so I could record the ride (LOL) and the battery pack I may need for my phone.
Offroute, the one person tent is sounding really ideal. The more I have searched on bivys, the less I like them. Currently I am debating between a small compact-able tent or a hammock with a rain tarp (since they take up barely any space and take you off the ground.
I want to keep this trip somewhat inexpensive, so tents I know can be costly. Hammocks seem very cheap and a rain tarp is definitely cheap. Suggestions on those options?
I've used both a bivy and a 1P tent and overall I prefer the tent. The bivy can be suffocating in warmer weather, and in general a little claustrophobic for long periods. I sleep better in the tent by far. I have a Marmot EOS and am really happy with it.