I think I'm finding a common problem in these threads - we're always running out of something.
I ran out of fuel (and Scott forgot a particular fuel can, that's about the same) and the solution is simple - stick fire or help from camp host. It's a pain to clean up the black stuff and get the ashes out of the coffee but hey, that's the price we pay.
I met a rider who ran out of food! The store he thought he was going to resupply at was non-existent. I gave him a meal or two, I believe he got some food at a ranch house and he survived. This could be a tough one though, because the bonk demoralizes a rider. When the mind goes soft, the body follows.
I've read about a rider who ran out of brakes. Should have those checked every 1000 miles, friends. Loaded MTB is rough on those things.
Another rider ran out of good weather! I guess it was predicted but moved in too fast. I'm particularly intrigued by this one - in mid-summer we can just hole up for a day or two, but it's late fall and one might need to hibernate for a few months!
And this summer, I ran out of time and money. So I came home and got a job. boo! hiss! pfffft!

What have you run out of? And what would/did you do? Once we get beyond poor planning, this seems to be the number one problem statistically