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  Topic Name: Utah’s Eastern Uinta Range on: February 25, 2009, 01:18:53 PM

Slo bikepacker

Posts: 18

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« on: February 25, 2009, 01:18:53 PM »

I’ve been poking around on GoogleEarth to try to find some places not too far from home that might have good mountain bikepacking potential, maybe with some fishing thrown in. One such place appears to be the eastern Uinta range, more or less north and west of Vernal. Much of the Uinta’s are wilderness, but not the eastern part. Has anyone done exploring of any kind in this area? It’s in the Ashley NF. One idea I had would be a circumnavigation of Marsh Peak, which looks like you could string a series of lakes together (Ashley Twin lakes, Goose Lakes, Deadman) and even gain a bit of alpine, likely by hike-a-bike (near Mt. Untermann). I’ve never been in the area, so any info on it would be appreciated.

* Ashley1.jpg (251.43 KB, 1279x1023 - viewed 434 times.)

* Ashley2.jpg (210.39 KB, 1282x1023 - viewed 362 times.)
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