Anybody know why the Alabama section of the Pinhoti is closed to bikes? It's a darn shame. I've run/hiked a bunch of it and it would be a great place for a thru-ride for those of us that live close by.
My Fall schedule kind of got changed around quite a bit because of my ultrarunning focuses. So I don't know if I'll have time for a Georgia Pinhoti "unipacking" trip or not; perhaps in November/December (I like it cold anyhow!).
The route I'm think about unipacking is starting from Dug Gap and heading SOBO to Huffaker Road at Simms Mountain Trail a distance of ~70 miles. I could probably get it done all in one long push, but I want to have fun with it and not travel too much in the dark...
I'll definitely post more to this thread as we get closer and if my plans shape up; would be nice to see some other folks out on the trail!