So, here may be a Very full hardy and overly ambitious plan, But I think one that would be AWESOME to create and ride. I would like to plot a route from Washington to Maine Through the US (not at all opposed to Canada either) that hits as much single track, gravel and spectacularness as possible! The bitch, as we all know, is developing a route through country we know absolutely nothing about! The beauty of this electronic age is all of the nuts in the world with similar bents can now pool their wisdom. So, I am calling for the aid of all the bikepacking nuts from WA to ME to give me some beta on getting from coast to coast! Additionally, from the techies some beta on how to set up a public google map and discussion group, either in or out, and how to help spread the word. I'm in no GREAT hurry, eyeing it up as a 10 year plan to get it plotted. But who knows, if we can hammer it out, there's always next summer!